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[转载] 阿莎莉娅周运 2014-1-27 ~ 2014-2-2

[转载] 阿莎莉娅周运 2014-1-27 ~ 2014-2-2

任何旧怨或过去的感情一定要清除掉, 因为金星正与土星联手打造一道与木星相通的桥梁,你那自我解放的道路将会清晰无比。金星打拐个弯, 开始她前进的行程,你的心也开始自由地去爱和拥有欢乐的意愿。当你的爱越自如,你就越懂得珍惜自己以及你可以奉献的一切。周四的新月为一件重要事件带来新章节,帮助你创造你要的世界。请记得, 你创造的世界是完全属于你的。你拥有创造伟大杰作所需的闯劲。

So much expansion and newness these past months has had you reeling somewhat as to where your true sense of empowerment is, but that was just a temporary state, as stabilization is a very important part of your process. This week that centering and new balance comes, offering a whole new capacity for maintenance and that all-important sacred calm. You recognize the higher place you have accessed within yourself, and with that realization comes a quantum leap that locks that new higher landmark into place. This takes you very deeply into an ancient set of emotions that you will recognize immediately as your original state. It’s a real coming home. The New Moon brings a final sweep for anything that still needs clearing, and you’ll spend the next two weeks doing just that.
With your newly expanded heart center, there’s nothing holding you back.

A whole new chapter begins this week, one that you’ve worked hard to achieve. You’re changing all the rules and stepping into previously untapped leadership aspects of your Self, because all your efforts to get here have delivered you to a greater vision for your life and the lives of everyone around you. Know that this step is more like a quantum leap and it will require plenty of space (formerly known as time). While certain aspects of your vision fully manifest now, and an expansion unlike any other begins, the vision itself will undergo some revision (no pun intended) as Mercury prepares to retrograde. Thursday’s Aquarius New Moon does its job and changes everything. Stay riveted to your higher vision through it all and watch it morph into something else again. This is important.
These changes point the way to your new world.

某些重要的关系正在加深中,这让你觉得有点儿意外。不过,千万别上心,或是挖空脑袋想找出原因。如果你把感觉藏于心里,你会发现所爱的人将会反映出那个全新的, 更有深度的你。这就是感情应该带来的现象,让你发掘自我。周四的新月就好比其他的新月对你来说一样重要。这轮新月给你机会卸下那个从小就“保护”着你, 或许会继续保护你一辈子,的盾牌。 让你内心的感觉表露出来也许对你来说是件很艰难的事,不过这是一个很好的机会。当你让一个人看见你埋藏在所有自行建造的安全措施下那个真实的你,你会变得更快乐。

Big breakthroughs are on the agenda, and they are accessible everywhere you turn this week, courtesy of the Aquarius new Moon making beautiful music with Uranus, the Great Awakener. In this case, relationships that matter to you provide you with new glimpses of your Self, bringing up old responses that you may recognize immediately as fear-based and keeping you stuck. If you don’t see it at first, you may choose to go through the fear based reaction cycle one more time in order to find release from it once and for all. It’s important to be aware of the lightning bolts that are showing up all around you, and be open for whatever they can reveal to you with their uncommon light. Thursday’s new Moon brings a chapter that allows you to stretch beyond your older structures.
When a door opens, walk through it.

That new beginning that has knocked on your door is exactly that, but you must admit it isn’t exactly what you’d envisioned for your Self, is it? It’s time to step fully into the Creator role and reimagine this opportunity so that it looks much more like the path you’re meant to walk. Thursday’s Aquarius New Moon solidifies the field of new possibilities, and adds to them as only Uranian lightning can. Be alert to any situation that surrounds the original option, and be prepared to say yes to unusual requests. If you hold your truest vision higher than everything else (such as your fear that you’re not good enough), you will manifest something that gets you much closer to your goal. What else can you create out of that kind of belief?
It’s time to trust your Self to get your Self there.

Follow your heart. Follow your heart. Follow your heart. The most magnificent expansion is upon you and you’re well aware of it, but watch for the tendency to allow your fear based mind to distract you, because each time you do you add another obstacle to your path. Fear=obstacle=time. You’re already where you wish to be, and if you’re not having the full experience of that, you must be thinking too much. The Aquarius new Moon on Thursday commands you to pay attention to your inner voice and forget the demands of your much louder ego. The weekend brings amazingly expanded versions of the already colossal growth opportunities that are on your plate. It’s time to sit down at the table for the feast. You’ve worked hard to earn your place there.
When your heart leads the way, it lights the path for you.


这段时间里,相信你的感觉是很重要的。 让你的心灵带领你进入你的旅程里的下一个章节。 某种程度上来说,你知道你已经踏上了旅途。你所学习的一切, 在你专注于以心为本时引导着你。 现在不是操纵一切的时候。你得到了。 在你经历过所有重要的重生时,你已经开始酝酿今天这局面。 让它出现吧。让宇宙告诉你你究竟酝酿了什么。 你需要专注于你最理性的一面,同时让你埋藏最深处的感情来感动你。对于如何掌握着理性与感性的交际,你已经有过无数次的彩排了,足够让你产生伟大的杰作。

It’s hard to believe that your positive outlook could get more positive, but this week everything you’ve learned about approaching life with a smile on your face deepens and becomes more multidimensional. You may ask how that’s going to happen, but it’s in the asking that things tend to get stuck. It’s happening because your belief in positivity created the moment, and that’s really all you need to know. It is much more important to ALLOW these new paradigms to emerge, without questions, and have the full on experience of this latest state of Being. New emotions arise, courtesy of the Aquarius new Moon on Thursday, and these take you to unprecedented places. All you have to do is observe them and let them run their course.
Again, understanding is not the way to attain expansion, allowing with a wide open, trusting heart is

那些扩大你的生活的机会并不怎么样, 所以不管目前的情况如何,你并不需要急着采取行动。 这周很多事情会发生。让你成长的机会将会成型。同时,为了充分利用这些机会,你也将会做一些自我调整。 首要的就是保护你新开发的自我价值与真我的感觉。 你为了这些付出了许多。如今,它们已成为你前进的平台。接下来就是训练自己去发现每一件事情背后的美好,而不是它们的缺点。周中时,一个集中于这些主题的新章节将开始,并将会延续两个月。还有的就是在能量和体力与你的目标之间做出调整。

The New Moon in Aquarius on Thursday brings you to a very significant phase of self-awareness that ultimately brings you to honor your Self more than ever before. You tend to overlook your own importance in just about everything you do, but hopefully you’ve learned these past years how that tendency prevents you from fulfilling your goals and your dreams. You’re the Great Awakener. It’s your life’s purpose to express your unconventional, exceptional thoughts and shock people into a new perspective. You trust your intuitive capacities, but you may have learned to cover them up, to make yourself more acceptable or avoid judgment. Judgment isn’t your problem, it’s an issue that belongs to those who project it onto you. The next few weeks offer the chance to get back to your Self in the biggest way possible.
Saying ‘yes’ means reclaiming who you are.

After a good long phase of getting to know your Self in ways that were unavailable to you before, the Aquarius new Moon on Thursday offers a whole new take on unity consciousness that promises to take you to a more fulfilling level of creative productivity. You were born with unity consciousness intact. That is, you’ve always perceived your Self to be One with everything. But unity consciousness has no value without a good strong sense of Self. You had to work hard for that. Now that you’re here, you’re set to receive an all new level of Self-awareness, courtesy of Mercury moving into your sign. Mercury, the Great Messenger and ruler of the mental body, shows you to expanded dimensions of your Self. When he retrogrades next week, you’ll have a chance to dig deeply into them.
For now, just allow your observations.

